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 Call of Duty 7: Black OPs
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Raser78 Offline

Beiträge: 653

14.11.2010 16:40
RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Black Ops Entwickler Treyarch macht offenbar ernst mit seiner Ankündigung, alle Plattformen auch nach Release nach besten Kräften und Möglichkeiten zu unterstützen. Auch für die Playstation 3 werden die aktuellen Probleme gesammelt und wurden einige der ärgsten Probleme dieser Plattform bereits gefixt.

Auch die PS3-Zocker leiden unter zahlreichen Bugs und Fehlern, die das Zocken teilweise unmöglich machen. Treyarch hat reagiert und listet nicht nur Fehler auf, welche von dem nächsten Patch bereits behoben werden sollen, sondern auch die Dinge, welche entweder bereits gefixt wurden oder auf der ToDo-Liste stehen. Hier die offiziell angekündigten Fixes:


* Villa: User can clip into rock at west edge of grid zone B2 and see through to the other side
* Crisis: User can clip into LVT between grid zone A3 and B3 and see through to the other side
* User can get an infinite number of 'Sam Turret', 'Care Package' and 'Sentry Gun' killstreaks (commonly referred to as the "care package glitch")
* Radar sweep when there are only 2 players left in One in the Chamber will stop functioning if the 2 players have multiple lives when the sweep starts
* Crash when viewing content (films, clips, etc) in the Community & Recent Games menu
* Users' rank and stats can get wiped under very specific conditions
* Online number counts were not updating properly; these are now reporting exact online numbers
* Parties getting disbanded when host did not find a match quickly
* Launch: User could access a small platform outside of the intended play space below the rocket gantry by jumping to a very specific location; now blocked from access
* Launch: User could access a small area inside geometry at vents near Dom flag A by going prone and moving around in a very specific location; now blocked from access
* Some users reported that weapon attachment challenges were not resetting after prestige; now all are guaranteed to clear as soon as selecting the prestige option

In Arbeit:

* Improved matchmaking to find matches faster
* Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag)
* Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this)
* Additional improvements to party system

Josh Olin hierzu:

"Hey PS3 gamers, we are listening to you and we've been busy working on updates based on feedback from the community.“
"We have already deployed a number of updates, and there will be many more to come. Stay tuned right here for all the latest info."

Dieser Thread im CoD-Forum wird nach und nach mit allen Fixes geupdated, die für die PS3 released werden. Wer am Ball bleiben will, sollte hier regelmäßig vorbeischauen: - Playstation 3 Fixes

Die User im CoD-Forum sammeln bereits fleißig weitere Dinge, die ebenfalls Probleme verursachen:

Reported Bugs:

* Party Invite System not working, unable to join friends even with public chosen
* Leaderboard not reading correct kills
* Framerate issues, affecting gameplay
* Theatre mode not working correctly
* Respawns, issue spawning near enemies on smaller maps
* Game freezing PS3 Console
* Party option "Leave with party" not working correctly
* Locale Search option not working
* Mic's not showing in lobby
* Error "Disconnected due to transmission Error" appears after some games

Reported Glitches

* Knifing mechanic seems to act like Commando lunge from MW2
* PS3-Version is experiencing freezing issues on 3D-TV's


biedi1979 Offline

Beiträge: 803

15.11.2010 05:21
#2 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Gut das ich erst diese Woche zum zocken beginne, brauch ich mich nicht so ärgern.
Hatten im Urlaub genug Streß und Ärger.

BlueTigra78 Offline

Beiträge: 1.839

15.11.2010 05:27
#3 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

jo dann sind wir zu zweit,wenn ich meine scheiss edition endlich bekomme.

Raser78 Offline

Beiträge: 653

15.11.2010 08:48
#4 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Black Ops - Weitere wichtige Patches angekündigt!

Entgegen einiger Vermutungen, steht im Hause Treyarch die Arbeit an Black Ops nicht still. So meldete sich gestern Cesar „pcdev“ Stastny mal wieder via Zwitscherstube zu Wort. Er ging auf einige Fragen bezüglich Black Ops ein, welche wir euch hier kurz zusammenfassen:

* Es wird hart an mehreren Patches gearbeitet.
* Es werden bald auch 12Spieler Playlists eingeführt
* Das RCON Tool wird weiter verbessert
* Auf PC wird es keinen Splitscreen geben
* Der nächste Patch befindet sich bereits im Qualitätstest, der Release ist vor dem nächsten Wochenende geplant. Unter anderem soll dieser die Performance verbessern
* Ein „Stop Serverrequest“ Button soll eingebaut werden
* Das editieren der Klassen zwischen den Runden war geplant, bereitete aber massive Probleme. Es wird weiterhin nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, dies umzusetzen.
* Es wird am fix der bekannten RCON und Fast Level Exploit gearbeitet
* Der Konsolenbefehl „connect“ soll auf jeden Fall wiederkehren, wann dies passiert ist noch unklar
* Man ist noch auf der Suche nach dem Fehler, der dass „laggen“ in der finalen Abschusskamera verursacht
* Der Bug mit Nvidia's GTX4xx Serien ist bekannt und man arbeitet zusammen an einer Lösung
* Entwicklung der Mod Tools läuft langsam, da dass Patchen derzeit absoluten Vorrang hat
* Es wird an dem Problem gearbeitet, dass einige Spieler im Rang zurückgesetzt werden.
* Das „Kino Problem“ wurde gelöst, ab jetzt nimmt Theater auch auf nicht Treyarch Servern auf!

Das ist doch schon einmal eine nette Liste, die verspricht den Spielspaß weiter anzuheben. Man darf hoffen, dass Treyarch weiter am Ball bleibt und Black Ops auch im Multiplayer der Knaller des Jahres wird. Erwarten wir voller Spannung den nächsten Patch.


biedi1979 Offline

Beiträge: 803

16.11.2010 05:16
#5 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Na dann haben sie ja noch viel arbeit vor sich.
da wir d denen sich nicht fad.
Und das sichert Arbeitsplätze. gg
Gestern wurde mein COD verschickt, also müßte ich es diese Woche bekommen.

KINGKOAL316 Offline

Beiträge: 1.026

16.11.2010 07:20
#6 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Aktualisierte Liste der Sachen die angeblich per Patch (welcher angeblich in Arbeit ist) verbessert werden sollen: (Aus dem offiziellen COD-Forum, Post von JD)


- Improved matchmaking to find matches faster
- Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag)
- Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this)
- Additional improvements to party system
· Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
· Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
· Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
· Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart
· Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
· Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
· Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
· Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
· Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions
· Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions
· Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions
· Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
· Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
· Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
· Additional online security enhancements
· Array: Added collision to prevent players from partially clipping into a tree
· Launch: Added collision to prevent players from strafe jumping onto an invisible ledge at the base of the rocket near B3
· Summit: Added collision to prevent players from jumping to a location outside of the map boundary when in Custom Games where player speed is maxed out
· Havana: Added collision to prevent players from jumping onto an invisible ledge above a doorway at C2
· Nuketown: Adjusted a spawn point that would spawn players on top of a mannequin’s head when that mannequin was randomly spawned in that location
· Disable ability to vote for a previous map twice in a row
· Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game – will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends


Raser78 Offline

Beiträge: 653

16.11.2010 07:39
#7 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Hört sich für mich so an , als würden die das Game neu programmieren LOL.

lanzi1980 Offline

Beiträge: 236

17.11.2010 23:07
#8 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

wird eh zeit.

biedi1979 Offline

Beiträge: 803

18.11.2010 05:27
#9 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Gut so, ich habs sowieso noch nicht. gg

BlueTigra78 Offline

Beiträge: 1.839

18.11.2010 06:52
#10 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

vorhin is grad ne aktualisierung online gegangen 1.03 is 23 MB gross ob die jetzt die fehler behoben hat?

Raser78 Offline

Beiträge: 653

18.11.2010 08:16
#11 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

würde schon mal reichen, wenn die einige Fehler beheben. am besten das mit der Verbindung damit es nicht immer so ruckelt.

Raser78 Offline

Beiträge: 653

18.11.2010 11:28
#12 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

Updates für PS3

CHANGELOG 16.11.10:

* Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions
* Array: Added collision to prevent players from partially clipping into a tree
* Launch: Added collision to prevent players from strafe jumping onto an invisible ledge at the base of the rocket near B3
* Summit: Added collision to prevent players from jumping to a location outside of the map boundary when in Custom Games where player speed is maxed out
* Havana: Added collision to prevent players from jumping onto an invisible ledge above a doorway at C2
* Nuketown: Adjusted a spawn point that would spawn players on top of a mannequin’s head when that mannequin was randomly spawned in that location


* Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
* Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
* Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
* Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart
* Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
* Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
* Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
* Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
* Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions
* Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions
* Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
* Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
* Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
* Additional online security enhancements
* Prevention of a rare issue where a player will get teleported outside the map boundaries under very specific circumstances
* Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game – will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends

Update und weiter gehts mit den Patches

CHANGELOG 17.11.2010 (full title update)

* Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
* Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
* Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
* Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart
* Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
* Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
* Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
* Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
* Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
* Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
* Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
* Additional online security enhancements
* Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game – will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends


* Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions
* Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions
* Prevention of a rare issue where a player will get teleported outside the map boundaries under very specific circumstances

[ Editiert von Administrator Raser78 am 18.11.10 13:50 ]

KINGKOAL316 Offline

Beiträge: 1.026

19.11.2010 05:58
#13 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten

na so wie sich das für mich anhört solls das im großen wohl gewesen sein fürs erste. Nach denen sollte ja jetzt alles laufen. Wenn ich dabei an gestern denke... na dann gute nacht!! Hoffe mal stark die bessern da noch nach!!


KINGKOAL316 Offline

Beiträge: 1.026

19.11.2010 06:06
#14 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten


· Improvements to the spawn system to resolve an issue where negative spawn influencers from specific game events were not always being deleted after the danger had cleared – in some matches, this was causing good spawns to be erroneously flagged by the game as bad spawns, which in turn forced actual bad spawns to get selected later in the match
· Experimental slight reduction in knife lunge range – this is a trial change
· Prevention of Prestige glitching – trying to prestige from Combat Training will reset your stats but not give you prestige


Raser78 Offline

Beiträge: 653

24.11.2010 06:15
#15 RE: Playstation 3: Fehlersammlung und Fixes angekündig Antworten



* · Addition of Hardcore HQ & Hardcore CTF game modes to the playlists
* · Prevention of the ability to earn XP in Private Matches

Wer's braucht :nuts. sollten lieber mal die ganzen Verbindungsunterbrechungen patchen.

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